Welcome to The Individualistic chinchilla. Any one who has observed a chinchilla will know that they are highly intelligent, agile, curious, robust animals. They are also quite energetic, each with their own personality. The aim of this site is to show people that they can think outside of a breeders box (pardon the pun) and have happy, healthy chinchillas.

In recent years they have become more popular as pets. Ocassionally though, there are perpetuated breeder myths that can be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of these totally adorable little animals. Some breeders have neither the time or inclination to allow for anything more than an 18 inch cage, and this becomes their entire life.

As with all creatures (including us humans), mental health and physical health can be linked. So, as animal guardians it is our responsibility to ensure that we provide our charges with the best posible conditions that we can. As an easy example of one aspect of our philosophy here at The individualist Chinchilla  I have a question for you to contemplate. ..how have you faired during lockdown due to the coronvirus? Limited interaction with others, stuck in the same four walls. Miserable isn't it?

Unlimited habitat is neither practical nor financially viable. However, always provide a habitat that is as large as you can, with plenty of enrichment. Play time need not be limited, if you have the space create a habitat that will allow for free play, sleeping, hiding and just hanging out. As long as the habitat is chin proof eg no electrical wires to chew (they chew anything and everything), they can't escape their habitat, they are normally fit and healthy and you've provided an adequate amount of hides, beds and safe activities then your chinchilla will thrive. 



The Individualistic Chinchilla

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